Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Pre-Beginning

Well .... here I am ... at the pre-beginning of being car free. At the moment I still own (rather am leasing) a car. This will change on May 22. One month from now the official journey will begin -- but it is nice to have a month to try things out - and wrap my mind around actually not having a car.

Why am I doing this? Many reasons, life journeys and previous decisions have brought me to this point. My decision to go car free is part green, part financial and part curiousity. When I actually say it out loud to people - even I think it sounds crazy. However, the closer I get to May 22 the more excited I am. I do want my bike to be my primary mode of transportation - but I am starting to look into bus schedules and the hour car.

Now -- my big fears ..... how does someone who is interested in fashion .... makes sure that she had just the right shoe for the outfit .... enjoys getting dressed up to go out on the town .... doesn't like to get sweaty or dirty (unless actually working out) ..... how will she/I survive on a bike or a bus? And - what will dating be like on a bike? Can I really show up for a first date on a bike? ..... This will certainly be an adventure!!!!

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