Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ahhhh .... biking in MN!!! :)

I think that I have admitted before that I wouldn't talk about the weather .....  but it has also been reconfirmed for me that I love temperate weather.  Perhaps that is one of the reasons I actually did leave my heart in San Francisco.  The weather there is perfect ....  I can even deal with the fog - knowing that the the weather was never going to get hot or cold enough to keep me off of my bike.  So ... today with the weather starting out in the mid 50s and only getting to the mid 70s (and no humidity) is perfect.  I was so giddy today to get out on my bike!!!! :)  I did walk the dog first thing this morning -- and then mid morning met with my trainer .....  and now I really should be working ....  but trying to figure out what errands need to do!!!  I do have a book club meeting tonight - so I will have something I NEED to bike to and I plan to leave a bit early so that I can actually ride more than 4 miles ....  I keep telling myself if I can work for at least one hour (without getting on Facebook!!!) then I deserve a quick ride around the neighborhood.  I know that the hot weather is not behind us ----  it will be humid and in the 80s this weekend ....  but what a priceless day!!!   Ok ... enough of this ...  I need to work for a bit and then the freedom of the bike ....

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