Sunday, June 20, 2010

Moving and Stuff

I have to admit that I am glad that all of my friends and family are not car free ......  although I am sure there would have been another solution .....  but it was a HUGE help this weekend as I was moving.  So - it is not that I am anti-car .....  but riding in cars this weekend did remind me that I am really glad I am no longer responsible for one! :) ....  and a bit ansty to get out on my bike for a ride!!!

The other reality that I am feeling (both due to not having a car --- and packing all of this STUFF I don't need) is that I can certainly live with less ----- and probably be more happy.  I am moving out of a house that I have been in for about 6 and 1/2 years.  And I was amazed at how much stuff one can accumulate.  Stuff that I hadn't looked at for years ---- or had even forgotten that I owned ....  and really my house is not that big.  All of that stuff --- just like my car ----  certainly didn't make me happier ......  so as I continue down this journey I am vowing not to collect stuff .....  or at least give away or repurpose soemthing old when I buy something new --- except for shoes!!! ;)  Not quite willing to go there yet!!! ;)  .....  But I am finding that less stuff makes me feel lighter --- and not having a car will make it easier not to buy new stuff, if I can manage to stay off the internet!!! ;)

Well - and now off to my first car free commute of the weekend to meet my dad to celebrate Father's Day.  Woo hoo!!!!!

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