Monday, June 14, 2010


Ok -  I am feeling a bit defeated ..... and cranky today.  The rain during my commute to and from my class took the wind out of my sails a bit regarding being car free.  Now, I didn't melt, fall or even have to sit in wet clothes during class ....  all of those things are positive!!!  However, on my commute home I started feeling like this wasn't as fun as I wanted it to be ....  especially with my glasses fogging up so I could barely see and my mascara running in my eyes and down my face.  (And of course as I am typing this the rain has stopped and the sun is peaking through!!!) 

Before I left the house this morning, I did decide that biking in my regular clothes wasn't going to be an option - which I was fine with me.  I put on a t-shirt, bike shorts, bike shoes and a rain jacket - and my dry clothes went in my bag.  The only issue I had was that my glasses kept fogging up making it hard to see .... which was a bit of a problem since I didn't know exactly where I was going.  However, I arrived to the right building, got my bike locked up - and found a bathroom where I could change.  I do wish that I would have had a towel - but the paper towels were fine.  I put on my dry clothes (wished I had a plastic bag for my wet clothes) and fixed up my hair and makeup and was ready for class.

And - before heading home I put my wet clothes back on ....(not sure how I would dry them while in class) ... and headed back home.  It must have been raining a bit harder - because on the way home, not only could I not keep my glasses from fogging up --- but the rain was making my mascara run --- which not only looked silly, but was getting in my eyes!!!  Ugggg .....  I was wet, cold and just wanted to be home!!!

Lessons learned?
  1. Just as you wouldn't put on makeup BEFORE you take a shower - don't put it on before biking in the rain .... same effect!!!
  2. I will not melt in the rain.
  3. Wet hair (meaning - really wet hair - just like out of the shower) can be sexy!!  (Or at least I am going to keep telling myself that ....)
  4. I need to check the bus schedule for tomorrow, if it is raining again.  This journey for me is not just about bike commuting - but living without a car ...  and I am pretty sure that I prefer being a bit more dry!! ;)


  1. Your iPhone should be able to lookup bus/train schedules in Google Maps. If you're out and the weather gets bad you can find the nearest bus route home and spare yourself the soaking wet ride.

  2. Yes ..... need to make sure that I do that next time!!! I have to remember that it is not about proving anything or being a warrior .... it is about enjoying the lifestyle!!! :) Thanks for the reminder!!!

  3. Great lessons learned, and so genuinely shared. I have to admit that I have become a bit more of a fair weather biker through the years. I watch forecasts more and plan my biking around them. For my family it is a dance between the bike, the bus, with a dash of rental cars, Hour Car, borrowed cars, and taxis. In fact, last year about 2/3 of our total miles traveled were evenly split between bike and bus. Another backup option when conditions are grim is a taxi. For us with two kids it is a taxi that saves us in the below zero degrees in the winter.

  4. How about a waterproof jacket with a hood? If it's really pouring, the time it takes to put your bike on the bus's rack can leave you soaked.

  5. Jermopolis --- Thanks!!! I did have on my waterproof jacket with a hood ---- and I would absolutely use it when putting my bike on the bus ..... just as soon as I work up the courage to stand in front of a big bus with a bunch of people inside and struggle with securing my bike. I am certain that it can't be that hard .... but that is my next fear to overcome!!!

  6. Putting a bike on the bike rack of the bus is quite easy once you try. If you can lift your bike a couple feet in the air, all that's left is pulling the arm up over your wheel. My only issue is that on my morning route the rack is often full when it reaches my stop.

  7. If you see a bus at a layover (there is often one by St. Thomas and one by my house), you can practice putting your bike on the bus without anyone waiting on you. They also have racks to practice on in some transit stores -- skyways in downtown St. Paul and Marquette in Mpls.
