Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This is why I love MN!!!

What an absolutely beautiful day to ride in MN!!!!!  I - the totally sweaty person --- actually biked to class this morning with only the slight bit of sweat down my back!!! :)  And - I didn't even mind all of the bike "congestion" I encountered.  What an awesome day ---- and it was so much fun seeing all of the bikers out....  total road bikers with their spandex, a guy in suit, a woman in a skirt (and not me!!! - some other woman!!!), kids having fun, fellow students ---- what an awesome way to begin the day.  I was smiling the whole way to class - which did start promptly at 8am!!! 

I also had the chance to walk to a meeting downtown St. Paul --- and then up to meet a friend on Cathedral Hill for a totally appropriate patio happy hour.  Super great day for not owning a car!!! :)

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