Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This is why I love MN!!!

What an absolutely beautiful day to ride in MN!!!!!  I - the totally sweaty person --- actually biked to class this morning with only the slight bit of sweat down my back!!! :)  And - I didn't even mind all of the bike "congestion" I encountered.  What an awesome day ---- and it was so much fun seeing all of the bikers out....  total road bikers with their spandex, a guy in suit, a woman in a skirt (and not me!!! - some other woman!!!), kids having fun, fellow students ---- what an awesome way to begin the day.  I was smiling the whole way to class - which did start promptly at 8am!!! 

I also had the chance to walk to a meeting downtown St. Paul --- and then up to meet a friend on Cathedral Hill for a totally appropriate patio happy hour.  Super great day for not owning a car!!! :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Still new at this!

Ok - I know that I said in a earlier post that I wouldn't complain about the weather --- and there isn't bad weather, just bad clothing choices ....  but I do have to say that I am really tired of the rain/storms when I am trying to get somewhere ..... 

I did have a great bright spot in my day today when I attended a volunteer meeting with Transit for Livable Communities.  It was interesting to hear every one's stories --- and to know that I am not alone in navigating the world without a car.  I was, however, seemingly a novice within the group.  It made me feel on one hand that there are plenty of resources out there --- if I search them out ---- but it also made me hyper-aware that getting started using public transit, biking or walking is still a scary venture and there don't seem to be a lot of great resources on how to get started.  I completely understand that very few people are actually going to give up their cars - but it would be great if once a week or once a month more individuals would think about and then actually take an alternative form of transportation.  But --- I think that there needs to be more information from a newbie perspective.  Or, perhaps I am the only one who feels a bit lost in all of this.....

The question for the weekend is how to get to and from a 30th birthday party (not mine!!) tomorrow night.  I feel confident taking the bus there --- as it is near Lake and Lyndale and should be a straightforward bus ride.  I am just a bit nervous about the ride home ....  not sure I want to be on the bus after 10pm at night.  I wouldn't walk alone along that same path in the dark --- but is busing different?  I know that I can always take a taxi - but I don't want to have that expense every time I go out at night.  I will probably be able to get a ride home from someone .... but I don't like having to depend on others to go out of their way for me.  So ....  that is the dilemma.  Perhaps it is not such a dilemma --- but it feels like one now. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Silver of Hope and Safety

Last night when I went to bed I was convinced that I was going to take the bus to class today.  It was suppose to be stormy --- and now that I am a bus "expert"  --- it was a no-brainer.  I thought my plans was reinforced in the middle of the night when I woke up to the thunder and lightening (what an awesome storm!).  However, when I got up this morning the sun was shining ---- and I almost went for a run.  I didn't, thinking I would go after class .... dumb, Rachel!!!!  You should ALWAYS work out in the morning --- the commute doesn't count as a workout when training for a triathlon.  (Ok --- enough self-lecture!!!) .....  So - the sun was shining and I went about some morning tasks and a bit of studying for my first test tomorrow.  I didn't seem to notice that the sky was getting dark and very ominous looking. 

Eeeeekkkkk .....  by the time I was ready to go it looked very much like rain, but I was too late for the bus, so I headed out.  I started out wondering how far I could get before I was completely drenched.  But - then I saw sliver of bright, blue sky directly overhead --- and I decided to follow it.  I just kept pedaling and watching that sliver (and it really was JUST a sliver) of blue sky surrounded by super, dark rain clouds.  So, I kept pedaling and watching, peddling and watching and more pedaling.  And - before I knew it I was there, locking up my bike and walking inside.  Whew ..... just as class started it started pouring outside.  Oh well, I wasn't too worried about biking home in the rain --- or perhaps it was my day to overcome my fear of putting my bike on the bus rack.  But ....  much to my surprise just as class was over, so was the rain and I followed that same sliver of blue sky the whole way home!!! :)

The other thing that I have been thinking about lately are the biking habits of students at the U of Minnesota.  I am sure that it is similar to other campuses --- but there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to where they bike:  sidewalks, the wrong way on a one way, against traffic .....  It all seems to dangerous.  Now, deep down inside (ok not that deep inside)  I tend to be a rule follower.  When I got my first road bike almost 10 years ago to start seriously (or semi-seriously) biking I had to re-learn biking rules.  And .... I am still following them .....  I just am surprised that more people don't get hit at the U ---- and I feel like I am the only one following the "rules". 

So -- here's hoping to larger slivers of blue sky and safety for all of my fellow students!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Moving and Stuff

I have to admit that I am glad that all of my friends and family are not car free ......  although I am sure there would have been another solution .....  but it was a HUGE help this weekend as I was moving.  So - it is not that I am anti-car .....  but riding in cars this weekend did remind me that I am really glad I am no longer responsible for one! :) ....  and a bit ansty to get out on my bike for a ride!!!

The other reality that I am feeling (both due to not having a car --- and packing all of this STUFF I don't need) is that I can certainly live with less ----- and probably be more happy.  I am moving out of a house that I have been in for about 6 and 1/2 years.  And I was amazed at how much stuff one can accumulate.  Stuff that I hadn't looked at for years ---- or had even forgotten that I owned ....  and really my house is not that big.  All of that stuff --- just like my car ----  certainly didn't make me happier ......  so as I continue down this journey I am vowing not to collect stuff .....  or at least give away or repurpose soemthing old when I buy something new --- except for shoes!!! ;)  Not quite willing to go there yet!!! ;)  .....  But I am finding that less stuff makes me feel lighter --- and not having a car will make it easier not to buy new stuff, if I can manage to stay off the internet!!! ;)

Well - and now off to my first car free commute of the weekend to meet my dad to celebrate Father's Day.  Woo hoo!!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Memories -- Old and New

In the process of making new memories today while riding the bus --- some wonderful memories of living in San Francisco came back and made me smile ....

The weather was a bit iffy this morning, so I decided that it was time for me to take the bus.  I had looked last night about what bus/buses to take and was all ready.  However, when I got up this morning, I am glad I was up a bit early --- since the buses I was going to take were either running 15 minutes behind (too late to get to class) or there was a schedule change - or I had looked at it incorrectly.  Whatever the case --- I was up in plenty of time to walk to the bus stop.  (First lesson - make sure that I am early to the bus stop, because the bus was 2 minutes early .....  not at all like San Francisco!!!)  The best thing is that the guy at the bus stop gave me a warm good morning ..... when does that ever happen while driving a car?

I got on the bus --- paid my $2.50 (I really need to get a bus pass!!!) and sat down.  I didn't get too comfortable --- as I didn't want to miss where I needed to get off to get my connection.  Once I made my connection (for which I only had to wait about 2 minutes) I was able to sit back an enjoy the ride.  It immediately brought me back to commuting in San Francisco - the cool, damp weather also helped to bring me back. 

It was odd, because when I was in SF it didn't seem like I was doing such a big thing ......  just doing what everyone else was doing.  Everyone road the bus to work --- as experienced by me being the last stop from the Russian Hill area on an express bus to the Financial District.  Often that bus was too full to stop ---- and when it did stop I would be left standing (sometimes in the stairwell) holding on for dear life!!! :)  ..... that was always compounded by the fact that at 5'1" it was hard to reach the overhead railing .... and hanging on to something was imperative when going up and down the SF hills!!!!

Today was a totally different story.  I was sitting down --- only having to share the other seat for less than 5 minutes.  I also noticed that people brought their coffee on the bus --- something that was taboo (as I recall) in SF.  The one thing that was great - as it was in SF ---- that I had time time to truly notice the neighborhoods we were going through.  I can't read on the bus --- so all I have is time to watch and notice.  It was amazing the places I passed and thought, "Oh - that is where THAT is ....".  I remember in SF memorizing the neighborhoods and feeling so safe and knowledgeable about the city ---  much more than here ---- and I grew up in St. Paul.  Hmmmmm ...... perhaps it was all of the walking/biking/busing I did in SF.  .....  And now I am so excited to continue to explore/learn about the Twin Cities in the same way.

I also learned --- or it was reinforced --- that some bus routes are going to be more favorable than others.  On the way home from class today there were a few less professionally dressed individuals --- or perhaps they were just professionally dressed for some alternative profession!!! ;)  But - just as in other aspects of life --- there are places I would walk alone at night ---- and there are places I wouldn't walk alone even in the day. 

As I was on the bus going home ... I also remembered that in SF I would go shopping and take the bus home.  Why, oh why, did I think that was ok ---- but I couldn't imagine doing that here?  Why don't I think that taking the bus is as cool here?  Is it because in SF the buses ran down all of the trendy neighborhood streets?  Is it because it was riding the bus in SF was completely socially acceptable?  That at night on the bus you would see everything from hot 20-somethings ready for a night on the town  - to a couple on a first (or what looked to be a) date - to people in black-tie going to the opera?  .....  And during the day completely chic women with thousands (or at least a thousand) dollars on newly purchased shoes and clothing --- to families going to enjoy the sites --- to individuals coming home from the grocery store on the bus.  What would that be like if everyone in the twin cities started taking the bus?  How awesome would that be?  And why was I so nervous about it?  .....  Maybe all of the current bus riders are actually uber-trendy!!!

I have to say that it was actually quite liberating to ride the bus.  I now know that despite the weather --- I really can get most places easily --- and independently --- without a car.

Oh --- and don't think that I am giving up my bike .....  but it is AWESOME to know that there are options!! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010


Ok -  I am feeling a bit defeated ..... and cranky today.  The rain during my commute to and from my class took the wind out of my sails a bit regarding being car free.  Now, I didn't melt, fall or even have to sit in wet clothes during class ....  all of those things are positive!!!  However, on my commute home I started feeling like this wasn't as fun as I wanted it to be ....  especially with my glasses fogging up so I could barely see and my mascara running in my eyes and down my face.  (And of course as I am typing this the rain has stopped and the sun is peaking through!!!) 

Before I left the house this morning, I did decide that biking in my regular clothes wasn't going to be an option - which I was fine with me.  I put on a t-shirt, bike shorts, bike shoes and a rain jacket - and my dry clothes went in my bag.  The only issue I had was that my glasses kept fogging up making it hard to see .... which was a bit of a problem since I didn't know exactly where I was going.  However, I arrived to the right building, got my bike locked up - and found a bathroom where I could change.  I do wish that I would have had a towel - but the paper towels were fine.  I put on my dry clothes (wished I had a plastic bag for my wet clothes) and fixed up my hair and makeup and was ready for class.

And - before heading home I put my wet clothes back on ....(not sure how I would dry them while in class) ... and headed back home.  It must have been raining a bit harder - because on the way home, not only could I not keep my glasses from fogging up --- but the rain was making my mascara run --- which not only looked silly, but was getting in my eyes!!!  Ugggg .....  I was wet, cold and just wanted to be home!!!

Lessons learned?
  1. Just as you wouldn't put on makeup BEFORE you take a shower - don't put it on before biking in the rain .... same effect!!!
  2. I will not melt in the rain.
  3. Wet hair (meaning - really wet hair - just like out of the shower) can be sexy!!  (Or at least I am going to keep telling myself that ....)
  4. I need to check the bus schedule for tomorrow, if it is raining again.  This journey for me is not just about bike commuting - but living without a car ...  and I am pretty sure that I prefer being a bit more dry!! ;)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


So ....  I got an iPhone this weekend!!!!  Super excited - although a little nervous that I will not use it to its full potential.  I am not very good with technology (or like someone I know, who claims she is VERY "technocanic"!!!), but at least I will be able to take pictures out on my rides --- and hopefully access cyclopath or some other mapping tool when I get lost on my bike.  Or ....  the thought just came to me ... access the bus schedule when it starts to rain!

Tomorrow grad school starts - a little nervous and excited about being a full-time student again.  I did map the ride using cyclopath.org - despite the fact that I was pretty sure I knew how to get there.  It did take me just a bit off course - but I really like some of the features --- especially the one where it tells you where to expect the big hills.  Not that I am actually looking forward to the big hills during my commute - but at least I can be prepared.  The weather looks to be ok this week --- but if there is a day like we had last week --- I will be experiencing both the bike and the bus this week.  Only time will tell ....

Now off to pick out my first day of school outfit ........

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Here are some pics from the MPR interview ...  my view of the world and another pic of my new helmet.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Walking and MPR

So -  I have not been on either bike in a few days ...  going through a bit of withdrawal ... but I have been walking and walking and walking..... to the gym, the grocery store .... and to a meeting last night downtown St.Paul. I decided to walk last night to the meeting namely because it was raining and I thought I would stay a bit more dry.  I did, underneath a great umbrella (thanks, mom!!!), stay relatively dry.  The only two issues I had was (1) I don't know how to walk in flip flops without spraying myself up the back of my calves; and (2) the humidity in the air makes my hair a bit crazy!!! .... Think (and I am going to date myself a bit) of Monica from Friends in the episode where her hair got just "bit" frizzy .....  not quite that bad, but almost!!! ;)  If anyone has any suggestions about the art of walking in flip flops or great hair products - let me know.

I do like walking - as it does give me a bit more time to think.  It is more like a walking meditation. I do have to admit that I was offered a ride --- but (1) my 20-year HS reunion is this summer and any extra exercise I can do is important!;)  and (2) it really is nice to be a bigger part of the community where I live.  Had I been on my bike (or in my car) I would not have had the opportunity to tell the new HS grads I saw downtown, "Congratulations!!" Or - smile at the family enjoying Rice Park (it was sunny on my walk home.).  And, even in the rain - with crazy hair -- I was still thrilled not to be sitting in my car in traffic!!!:)

On another note --- I was interviewed by MPR on Monday about going car free as part of Bike Walk Week.  Here is a link to the interview.  http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/06/09/biking-to-work/.  Where are you going to walk or bike this week?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rain, mud and sunshine!!

Where do I even begin?  It was an interesting day yesterday to say the least.  It was raining fairly hard when I left my house (on Lucy - I thought she would be faster) to venture to the suburbs.  I was not to concerned about the rain - but perhaps I should have been a bit more cautious.  Just a few blocks from my house, while going downhill, I took a corner a bit too fast and ended up laying on the ground in the street still clipped to my bike.  I was ok....  except perhaps for my ego.  No worries - I got myself back upright I was off.  The trip south was rather uneventful and I actually felt pretty cool/tough out there riding n the rain. 

Well ... the trip was almost uneventful.  A few miles from my destination I encountered some road construction - but it appeared that Google Maps knew about the construction, because they had me turn just before the construction.  I turned, but couldn't find the right road - but there was this awesome bike trail parallel to the road I really wanted to be on.  Perfect!!! :)  Well .... perfect until the path abruptly ended.  Now what?  I could see the road I wanted to be on just 50 yards or so away.  However, in between me and the road was 50 yards of mud. Hmmmmmmm.....  I could backtrack on the path -- but I really didn't know what other road to take.  So --- I decided to walk through the mud.  In retrospect not the best decision.  I was sinking in the mud almost to my ankles and by the time Lucy and I got to the other side we were both covered in mud.  I tried to scrape off as much as I could -- wash up in a mud-filled puddle ..... but I just couldn't get clean enough.  BUMMER!!!!!  So - I called my girlfriend and she came to pick me up.  I wish I would have had my camera to take pictures.  It was really a funny site - especially since I really hate being dirty -- but what could I do? 

I felt much better after hosing off Lucy, taking a shower and getting into some clean clothes.  Toward the end of the meeting we were having I started to get a bit, let's say, anxious .... ok, call it like it is ... crabby.  I didn't quite know why --- but it was because I had to bike home ....  not just because of the ride --- but because it certainly was going to take me longer to get home that any of them.  I had to take a deep breath and remember that it was not their fault that I had to bike home.  This is my choice - and actually the ride home was amazing.  It was sunny and I was able to enjoy the sites, smells and energy of the neighborhoods I was biking through.  What a great end to the crazy day!!!

Lessons for the day:
  1. Take it slowly (or a bit slower) when biking in the rain.
  2. Don't walk through mud with your bike shoes and road bike.
  3. Perhaps having an iPhone/Blackberry/GPS - or some device to help out when getting lost is something to think about.
  4. Be sure to have a water proof bag.  The "dry clothes" I brought to change into were not dry, nor were they particularly clean by the time I got there.
  5. This is my choice and I am happy to be on the journey --- even through the mud and the muck (literally and figuratively)!!
  6. Having friends who are willing to support me through this journey is such a blessing!
  7. Don't forget your sunglasses - even if it is pouring rain when you leave - there is always a chance that the sun will come out!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

City Living

I have always loved living in the city - as compared to the suburbs.  Much more going on - much more energy - and easier to get to "cool" places to hang out.  I have often joked with my friends that why do I need to ever go outside of the belt-loop when I have everything I need right here in St. Paul?  Well ... everything I need except for some of my friends!!! :)  So - today I will venture outside of my comfort zone and head to Inver Grove Heights.  Ok, ok, it is really not that far - only 13 miles to my friend's house.  But it will be interesting to start to test some of the bike mapping tools.  I am using the route Google Maps suggested for my trip today.  What a cool feature that you can get directions anywhere driving, walking, biking or bussing.  Just another day of experiencing something new on this journey.